Rabbi Aaron Allsbrook

Senior Congregation Leader
Born and raised in Southern California, Rabbi Aaron Allsbrook has known Yeshua his whole life.  He shared about Yeshua to his Jewish and non-Jewish friends in high school.  At the end of high school Rabbi Aaron began to feel that there was more to his Jewishness than just Passover and Hanukkah at his grandparents.



Rabbi Mike Rudolph

Associate Rabbi
Rabbi Michael Rudolph was born in 1939 in Queens, New York City, to second generation Jewish-Russian immigrants.  He attended neighborhood public schools through 9th Grade and, after several years of Hebrew School. 


Z’keinim (Elders)

Aaron Allsbrook, Michael Rudolph, Bruce Bakaysa and Joshua McGhee

Shammashim (Deacon Board): 

Deacons: Bob Blicksilver, Jim Eadie, Bruce Simpson, Ronald Zapien, Larry Rothstein, Brendon Bluestein & Sabrina Etienne